Sustainable Hotel Bathrooms

Designing Sustainable Hotel Bathrooms

Any hotel owner will tell you about the huge burden of utility bills for their business. Our tips for designing sustainable hotel bathrooms will reduce bills, save water, save energy, contribute to your net zero goals and have no impact on the experience your guests receive. Sanitaryware manufacturers are constantly releasing more efficient products, motivated …

Care Home Design

Care Home Design Post-COVID

As we all know, care homes have been hit terribly hard by the coronavirus. Although health and hygiene have always been vital in care home design, it’s time we reflected on potential improvements that can be made to reduce the risk for residents and staff. Balancing the benefits and potential dangers of human interaction is …

Healthcare Interiors - Hospital Ward

Colour planning for healthcare interiors

Organisations within the healthcare sector, whether hospitals, clinics, dentists or hospices have complex needs when it comes to interior design.  We’ve noticed that newer hospitals are certainly switching away from the insipid pastels towards a more vibrant palette but what considerations need to be made to create a great palette for healthcare interiors. As you …

Flexible Workforce | Yellow

Designing Offices for a Flexible Workforce

Flexible working is one of the mega trends of the 21st century, but what exactly is meant by a flexible workforce and what impact does it have on designing office interiors? When you see a near-empty office, the burden of the rent looms large but before you make drastic changes consider the options. What is …